
‏The “Syria Freedom Path” organization calls for the application of Article 7 to punish Assad regime and protect Civilians

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The head of the Syria Freedom Path organization, Dr. Hicham Alnachawati made a statement Ninar Press, in which he said

The Syria Freedom Path welcomes the results of the transparent and impartial investigation of the international, independent Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, OPCW, which proved with facts that the air force of the Assad gang regime used chemical weapons in the attack on Douma in 2018, which led to the killing of more than 43 unarmed innocent civilians, and that the Russians have lied , obscured the investigation and, blamed the rebels for this massacre.

We call on the international community to take action to stop the massacres of innocent civilians. The world is watching what the international community will do to stop Assad regime, bring the criminals to justice, protect civilians and strip the Assad regime of chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction. And we call on the international community to stand up to its obligations and duties, defend its reputation and morals and the international norms and the principles of Universal Human Rights.

We call on the international community, especially the countries of the free and democratic world, which respect the principles of human rights and international norms, foremost of which are the United States of America, Britain and France, to call for the convening of a session of the UN Security Council to push for the adoption of Article 7 of the provisions of the United Nations Charter for the Protection of Civilians, and for the neutralizing the threats chemical weapons constitutes to civil peace, resulting casualties among the innocent, and the threat they pose to international and regional security.
The Syrian file is no less important and dangerous than the Ukrainian’s as there are people in both countries fighting for their freedom and dignity.

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