
Biden will win the Middle East if he wins the Sunnis Arabs and remove Brett McGurk

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The Russian barbaric invasion of Ukraine is entering its fourth month, declaring the beginning of the official implementation of Putin’s plan, who is obsessed with restoring the glories of the former Soviet Union. We find that the Biden administration is in a state of confusion. This confusion is caused by its strategic planner for the Middle East and East Africa, Mr. Brett McGurk.
The confusion is evident in the obstacles in their implementation of their plan, especially after the failure to seal the nuclear deal with the Iranian regime, who is determined to control the region. There are things that Brett McGurk, the architect of foreign policy in the Middle East and North Africa, did not consider. The Russia invasion into Ukraine is likely to expand and threaten the global stability and the balances among its axes. We may soon see a race between the Russian-Chinese axis and the Western axis represented by the United States of America and Western Europe, to placate the rest of the influential countries in the world, such as India, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Egypt, and the neighboring countries.
With careful examination, we find that China is courting these countries, expanding its economy and its Chinese-funded development projects. And we find that Russia is taking advantage of the high oil prices, which is currently apparent, profiting, and expanding its circle of alliances by feeding countries whose economies suffer from oil scarcity and its high prices.
On the other hand, we find that the US has failed to catch up with the Russian-Chinese axis in winning over important countries, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
The policy of this fool Brett McGurk, has caused severe harm to the interests of the United States and its reputation in the Middle East and the world. Biden administration have bowed before the Iranian regime, throwing its traditional allies under the bus, sacrificing its potential interests and its traditional allies in the Middle East, and angering these allies, and still is, to the extent that it becomes difficult for the arrogant, who is Nicknamed Middle East Dictator, to fix this mischief quickly. There will be no hope of quick fix to this mess anytime soon, especially since McGurk had taken rapid steps without attention to the damage that would be inflicted on the relationship of his country with its traditional allies. This is in addition to the speeding up of both China and Russia to appease and cajole these allies.
America is in a race for reconciliation with its allies against the rapidly moving of the Russian-Chinese axis. And it may not be able to win it. Not to mention the Arab Gulf states’ refusal to pump excessive amounts of oil, has accelerated the increase in oil prices globally and at home, with the increase in inflation in global economies, especially America, to unprecedented levels.
McGurk’s short sighted foreign policy indicates poor strategic comprehension. It is built, intentionally, on the basis of the use of minorities such as claws to provoke and subjugate allies. This is only to serve McGurk’s refusal to recognize important facts, the most important of which is the influence and the significance of the component of the Arab relative to its Iranian counterpart. This short sighted and strategical ill calculation have proven its devastating results we are witnessing before us. It will inevitably lead to the loss of Democrats and their President Joe Biden in Congress in next November midterm elections, with the Oval Office losing rapidly in 2024.
We have warned previously that the dependence of the President Biden on a dictator with short-sighted policies will be a danger to American interests, and will lead to the loss of Congress and the White House, and this will undoubtedly happen.
The Biden administration must now expedite the expulsion of Brett McGurk from his position, and replace him with a seasoned and enlivened diplomat, who enjoys good relations with the traditional allies of the United States, because Saudi Arabia in particular, represents the weight of the Islamic world, especially the Sunni component. The United States will be in dire need of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to attract the Sunni component in its favor, and it must do this before losing this component to Russia and China axis.
The Sunni component has a much greater geo-strategic weight than the Iranian Shiite component. The Biden administration should abandon its Obama dreams of restoring the nuclear agreement with Iran, and place its interests with the Sunni component and its traditional allies in the region, as they will be its supporter against the upcoming Chinese-Russian axis, which is threatening the world’s democracies.
Will Joe Biden take this more than necessary step?! Will we see Mr. Brett McGurk after a short time contemplating the extent of the havoc caused by his strategies that are not based on calculations of reality in the Middle East? The Americans need Biden to re-read the scene of their international interests without contingent upon US policy to desires, whose affairs Brett McGurk wants to run for the benefit of their supporters in the Middle East.

1 تعليق
  1. Livinghighpeace says

    There is no doubt that Obama administration had a major negative impact on the Syrian conflict and that Brett Mcgurk has a major role in causing the
    Syrian genocide. According to Ben Rhodes in his book “ the world as it is “ Obama seems to be using Syria as a pawn in a chess game to get his nuclear deal, and even his red line for chemical weapons was part of that game . Once he had it he told his staff not to bother him talking about Syria. He withdrew his red line and He was comfortable letting Putin manage the Syrian conflict to support Assad and cared less about their war crimes in Syria. Brett Mcgurk was his main architect of the policy in the area and we now see the catastrophic consequences of their short sighted policies in Syria in the shape of the Ukrainian war.

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