
The Nazis and the Holocaust in Syria
“Now, at one hundred and one years old of my age, I am shocked because justice towards the brutal mass crimes today remains elusive”
Benjamin Vereyns – chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg courts
If social justice is the only way to prevent mass atrocities before they occur, the real justice and to hold the criminals accountable and prevent them from impunity is the way to break the cycle of crime and in building the foundations of sustainable peace and security in Syria
Coupled with the concept of genocide, the concept of early warning, which means that “genocide” is not something that happens overnight or without prior warning, but it is a deliberate strategy, and some of the early warning signs are:
– The power in the country is totalitarian or repressive authority in the hand of one category
– And that the country is at war
– Or an environment dominated by the lack of respect for laws, can massacres and egregious crimes occur in the absence of the ability of the judicial authority to the investigation, prosecution and trial
The Military Commission seized power through a coup in 1963, which was controlled by the triple sectarian “Salah Jadid, Muhammad Imran and Hafiz Asad” Alawites who opened the series of their crimes sectarianism laid off “700” professional officer of Sunni officers, then sentenced to death, “67” of them and the July 1963, and then commit the massacre of Hama in 1964 and the destruction of the Sultan mosque, which claimed the lives of “100” civilians
The coup leaders went on to appoint officers of civilians sectarians without getting them into military colleges, which led to the formation of the forces of ” Alawites – Druze – Ismailia” which led to bloody conflicts and coups among this trio that ended with a coup by Hafez Assad in 1970 who seized power by declaring himself the Commander in Chief of Army and the Armed Forces and that he is the Secretary-General of the Baath Party, which he turned into a sectarian party and a military state within a state, the same style as “Reichsführer SS” Nazi Germany organization, and established a regime of Nazi three Alawite extremist columns and they “Refaat Asad to the leadership of the Defense Brigades and Ali Duba to head the military intelligence Division and Ali Saleh to the Air Defense command and Ali Haider led special forces “
After the elimination of his most rivals in this alliance,” Muhammad Imran, Salim Hatoum and Salah Jadid and Abdul Karim Al Jundi”, he devoted himself to target the Sunnis that he sees the greatest threat to his authority, through the issuance of extraordinary legislation that legitimizes him commit, and attach them to parallel legislation and laws grant immunity to criminals while he executed more than “1000” of Sunni officers on invalid charges, then moved to the destruction of the cities; he committed in the 1980 the massacres of “Jisr Al Ahugur and the Palmyra prison and the siege of Aleppo,” which claimed the lives of more than 6,000 people, and then the first massacre of Hama 1981, where they executed 400 people from the sons of the city, and the second massacre of Hama in 1982, which claimed the lives of more than 60 thousand people
When Bashar Assad inherited the seat of power after his father, he opened his reign with the massacre of Sweidaa in 2000, and the massacre of Qamishli in 2004, and the two Sednaya prison and massacres in 2008, and expanded the circle of crime with the outbreak of the Syrian revolution in 2011 where the system moved from the case of early warning to the actual genocide, through the policy of systematic brutality against the Sunnis in the largest genocide of the contemporary history
Since the killing or harming one individual or more, or forced to live in conditions that will inevitably lead to their destruction in the context of the systematic behavior of mass murder or part of a group of members of the civilian population, constitute a “crime of genocide”
And since the “Sunni” cities, villages and neighborhoods without the other are targeted and exposed to the behaviors of a systematic mass murder, sexual assaults and siege and indiscriminate shelling and extortion, led ultimately to the displacement of its inhabitants forcibly, and isolate them completely from their surroundings by installing and spreading barriers and controlling the population through the security permissions turning the area into a large prison and mass grave and allowed them to commit crimes of mass killings of detainees who are captured at those barriers and subject them to sexual assaults and freely kill them without witnesses then bury them in the “pre-prepared drill” to be their mass grave that contained more than “15” million martyrs, and more than “50000” raped
In addition, more than half a million detained or forcibly disappeared, and the displacement of “12” millions of them, destroying more than 3 million of their homes, and the looting of their property, and the destruction of their mosques, schools and hospitals Therefore, according to the article “2” of the International Convention for the Prevention of Genocide, and the article “6” and Article 7, paragraph / 1 / b “of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, which held that such practices constitute the crime of genocide, the massacre “Ghetto” in the “Avenue of Tadhamon” is a crime of genocide, a full-fledged, which is a stark example of the “Holocaust” perpetrated by the Nazis continued sectarians in Syria over 70 years
When the political awareness presented by the elite, as in this article, does not exceed the prevailing public awareness, it becomes certain that it is a deficient awareness, which does not help in building a comprehensive, national, spatial opinion and may even fall into the swamps of incitement!
What the writer mentioned has become known, and its terrifying details were known by the international agencies in Washington, democratic Europe, and the countries of the region. Shouldn’t this prompt us to ask questions beyond it?
In a reading of Washington’s policies in the face of the Syrian democratic spring’s entitlements since 2011, we cannot fail to realize not only that it stood in the front of preventing a political transition and a democratic transition, but that it protected the authority that committed all those crimes, by turning a blind eye to the Iranian and Russian roles, and contributing to Transforming the peaceful movement into a sectarian massace.
Here the value of awareness, and its bearers, appears in asking the big questions and exposing the roles played by the regime, and making it in a position of American protection, regardless of the size and type of crimes it commits against the Syrians (and it was not limited to them, nor to a sect, as the sectarian elites like)! !
stay well everyone
يسعد مساكم ، استاذي.
عندما لا يتجاوز الوعي السياسي الذي تقدمه النخبة ، كما في هذا المقال ، الوعي العام السائد ، يصبح من المؤكّد انه وعي قاصر ، لا يساعد في بناء وعي سبايسي وطني ، شامل، بل وقد يسقط في مستنقعات التحريض !
ما يذكره الكاتب اصبح معروفا ، وكانت تعرف تفاصيله المرعبة الأجهزة العالمية في واشنطن ، واوروبا الديمقراطية ، ودول الاقليم . الا يجب ان يدفعنا هذا لطرح تساؤلات تتجاوزه ؟
في قراءة لسياسات واشنطن في مواجهة استحقاقات الربيع السوري الديمقراطية منذ ٢٠١١، لايمكن ألّا ان ندرك ليس فقط وقفها في جبهة منع حدوث انتقال سياسي وتحوّل ديمقراطي، بل حمت تلك السلطة التي ارتكبت كلّ تلك الجرائم ، من خلال غض النظر عن الدورين الايراني والروسي ، والمساهمة في تحويل الحراك السلمي الى مجزرة طائفية.
هنا تظهر قيمة الوعي ، وحامليه ، في طرح الاسئلة الكبرى ، وفضح الأدوار التي يقوم بها النظام ،وتجعله في موقع حماية امريكية ، بغض النظر عن حجم ونوعية الجرائم التي يرتكبها ضد السوريين( ولم تقتصر عليهم ، ولا على طائفة ، كما يروق للنخب الطائفية )!!
تبقوا جميعا بخير
الوعي السياسي الصحيح لا يكون بالقفز فوق الحقائق التاريخية ، و الحقائق التاريخية في سورية تم طمسها من قبل السلطة الانقلابية الطائفية و مفرزاتها التي تحاول التبرؤ من جرائمها ، عبر التسفيه و الاتهام الباطل ، الوعي الوطني الشامل والناجع ينطلق من إعادة انتاج المفاهيم التي قولَبت الفكر السوري ، على نوع من المحرمّات التي خلقها النظام الطائفي ومنها عدم الخوض في الأسباب و الدوافع الاجرامية و التي اعتبرتها حضرتك قصورا و ربّما عنها .
الانتقال السليم يقتضي التأصيل الصحيح و أول خطوات الوعي هو التأصيل الصحيح والتمييز بين الحقائق و المغالطات ، وهذه مهمة النخب لأنه في النهاية الغالبية العظمى و السواد الأعظم من الشعب تم تغييبه عنها و لم يقتصر الامر على ذلك فقد تم تأطيره و تدجينه بالخوف و التخويف و التسفيه مما اوصلنا الى ما نحن عليه .فما تعرفه انت وربما انا فقد لا يعرفه الكثير الذين كل يوم يتم اصطيادهم من قبل برابرة العصر و رميهم في اخدود ” التضامن “
The correct political awareness is not to jump above the historical facts, and the historical facts in Syria have been obliterated by the sectarian revolutionary authority and its detachments that are trying to absolve themselves of their crimes, through slander and false accusations. On a kind of taboo created by the sectarian system, including not delving into the criminal causes and motives, which you considered as shortcomings and perhaps about them.
Proper transition requires correct rooting, and the first steps of awareness is correct rooting and distinguishing between facts and fallacies. Which brought us to what we are. What you and perhaps I know may not be known by many who are being hunted every day by the barbarians of the age and thrown into the groove of “solidarity
و اذا كانت الدعوة للعدالة تحريضاً من وجهة نظرك فاعتقد أن القصور ليس فيما كتبتُ و انما في مكان آخر بعيداً عني .