
Reform of the Coalition and the lost “Satan’s Horse” in his footsteps

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 Whoever does not have a compass will wait for a long time in a vast desert, how the sky draws the sides of the earth at the moment of sunrise. The Sun never rises only in the east, although there are those who try to force it up from the west they dwell in.

This is what happens to the creature called “The Devil’s Horse”, a title that was deservedly acquired by a famous black ant with long limbs, which the Syrians know well in the countryside and cities, before the savage lion horse attacks them and devours everything, and when that ant gets involved and enters a pot in which there is some food, you find it losing the direction it came from, so it does not know a way out or an escape from that situation.

Will the Syrians today be able to tame the “Satan’s Horse”, which has run wild for a long time, reflecting their inability to reform and move on towards what serves the revolution and its goals?  The deep connotations of the title of this being, from which the popular consciousness obtained what it obtained when it was attributed to Satan and the evils, sedition and loss that he brings.

This happened in a way that seems unmeasurable. The desired reformation is a necessity for the movement of reality against which the doors are blocked, given that the act of disability occurs from within the structure, so reformation comes to modify the situation and the path.

But a little important thing must be acknowledged. Is the Coalition running according to a timetable in implementing its reforming program? Are the steps of reform integrated in the end that lead to changing the crippled structure with one that is open to its revolutionary and popular incubators?

The slowness of the reforming process and the reluctance to take positions that serve it, constitutes a new obstacle, whether we like it or not. The slowness here allows factors outside and within the structure to play a sabotaging role for the comprehensive reform process. This path really needs an integrated and vital reforming program, as it needs political personals and groups with reform as its core, and its goal is to advance the national cause represented in the political transition in Syria to safety.

Are the practical steps that took place in the National Coalition since the start of the reform process in the first week of last April sufficient for us to rely on? And when we start by saying that we are on the path of reformation, will we have accomplished it? These are legitimate questions the Syrians are asking in their sessions these days, despite their serious inclination to push for this comprehensive reform to restore their internationally recognized political representative.

The reform steps that have been started are still in their first square, in terms of changes taking place in the structure and its components, and in terms of developing a work strategy with two dimensions, near and far, with the possibility of forming a political and legal team working under the supervision of the Office of Foreign Relations, to address the tasks of explaining and following up the Syrian issue in another capital.

The process of reforming the National Coalition needs a cohesive team that harnesses its efforts to push this process to fruition after a while. This team should be as the Syrians want with a constant movement, especially after providing the Coalition with the energies of young people of both sexes who are qualified in terms of knowledge and science and have good experiences.

And in all cases, attempts to obstruct the comprehensive reform process in the Coalition aim to confuse this reformation, and all will be losers, and this should not rely on partial steps in this process, but the development of a calendar determined to implement the reforming program, and this will soon support the work of the negotiating body and the work of the Special opposition team of the Constitutional Committee.

As the supreme authority of the Syrian Negotiating Body, and the effects of what is going on, it directly reflected in the negotiation process, the strength of this process must not be built on the base of internal imbalance, and to escape from it and to rely on the will of the international community, this will is not seriously interested in the need to implement UN resolution 2254, it cannot  impose a reality leading to a negotiated political solution without considering the balance of power on the ground.

From here comes the task of comprehensive reform in the Coalition led by the current President, Mr. Salem Al-Maslat to re-cohesion between the political leadership (the Coalition), and between the popular and revolutionary incubators.

Is Dal-Maslat and his team succeeding to achieve this equation?  Will the Coalition be able to cross from the previous broken structure to the new structure envisaged, which will be able to crowd and deepen of the conflict in order to serve the political transition in Syria and the deportation of a system of despotism to the resting place in the dustbin of history?

The answers to these popular and revolutionary questions are crucial steps in the process of comprehensive reformation path, this is what awaits the Syrians from the National Coalition these days.

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