Biden and America’s traditional allies.. restoring confidence and the required price
The historical alliance between the United States of America and the countries of the Middle East, especially the Arab Gulf states, is not born today or yesterday, but dates back to after World War II, when the victorious United States in that war was able to fill the void created by the withdrawal of the British and French from this important region.
The alliance between the United States and its group of allies in the Middle East and the Arab Gulf region is based on mutual benefits that both sides need, based on providing these countries with advanced technology and infrastructure development, in return for ensuring that American companies are granted concessions for oil and energy exploration and marketing in the world.
But this historic alliance between the United States of America and its traditional allies in the Gulf region and the Middle East is witnessing a fluctuation. This fluctuation is caused by the assessments of Democratic Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who bet on achieving a control of Iran’s nuclear program, in return for closing the eyes of the United States to Iran’s threats to its Arab neighborhood.
Turning a blind eye to Iran’s threats means pushing the region into costly conflicts that, in a strategic sense, will affect Washington’s international policies, specifically policies that pose a threat to its economically vital interests in these important areas, as conflicts in them will weaken the United States’ ability to confront the Chinese transcontinental tide.
It can also be said that this policy undermines the foundations of the alliance with these traditional allies, as it was unable to realize that strengthening allies certainly weakens Iranian arrogance, and forces it to submit to the will of the international community regarding the nuclear program, at a time when the policy of favoritism and providing facilities to the Iranians seemed to be the begging of a West and America. This failed policy has caused confusion and deep anger among the historical allies of the United States.
The Obama and Biden Democratic administrations have followed the approach of offering temptations and concessions to the Iranian side at the expense of the traditional allies, disregarding its interests with them. However, the Ukrainian crisis upended the US equations and approaches. Washington has found itself compelled to restore rapprochement with the old allies and not to make substantial concessions to the Iranian side. Concessions to Iran, will not guarantee its loyalty to the United States in any upcoming confrontation with China or the Russians, who have begun to engage in war with Ukraine.
Correcting the American policy towards its allies in the Middle East and the Arab Gulf states has become a crucial necessity for American policy. And this requires the administration of President Joe Biden to provide real and serious guarantees, that the security of allies will be guaranteed without equivocation or manipulation, with diligent and serious work to restore lost confidence, in order for this policy to succeed in achieving the required advantages.
The first of these gains is the increase in pumping oil into the international market, in order to reduce its price. However, this will cause violations and cancel agreements signed by the OPEC countries, in which Russia occupies a seat. These violations that the Biden administration asks the Gulf states to make, require the United States to provide guarantees and trade-offs, as compensation for the damages that will result from the anger of the Russian side.
The back turning of the Gulf Arab states to the Russians and the agreements within OPEC, needs many guarantees, the first of which is the guarantee of defending the Gulf states and protecting them from any possible Iranian aggression against them, and the second of these guarantees that the United States curb Iran’s influence in the region, which helps prevent any slippage into possible war with the Iranians which will not be in the interest of the peoples of the entire region.
The Arab Gulf states are not ready to implement what the Biden administration is asking of them, and they will not do so, unless they feel seriousness of Washington’s stances and policies towards them.
Therefore, Biden is required to mobilize political support to stand up to Putin’s war on Ukraine, which may extend to other countries in Europe.
The American policy pursued by the Obama and Biden administrations needs real criticism and adequate lighting. It is a policy that harms the interests of the United States in the strategic sense, as well as harms its traditional allies, who are no longer safe in light of these policies.
Biden is required to provide guarantees to US allies in the Middle East and the Arab Gulf region. These guarantees are strongly based on dismantling Iran’s nuclear program in its military aspect. Iran’s possession of the atomic bomb not only constitutes a threat to and subjugation to the countries of the region, but also threatens international peace and stability.
Biden is required to garner international support to push against the plans of Vladimir Putin, who is seeking to co-opt the countries of the world in his war against Ukraine.