
The Ghouta Massacre and the Trumpets of the Reconciliation

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It seems that the memory of Arab governments is the same as that of fish. They ignore the fact that the Assad regime committed war crimes against the Syrians that no one has ever preceded, and that is why they share and race to restore order in their system that called (the Arab League).

Amid this uproar and attempts to float the Assad regime’s gangs, we are witnessing these days the ninth anniversary of the terrorist massacre of the Assad regime against the people of Ghouta, which killed civilians, men, children and women, on direct orders from the head of the terrorist regime, Bashar Al-Assad, according to confirmed information, committing a chemical weapons attack on the people of Ghouta while they slept.
This crime is heinous in all dimensions, unbelievable to the human mind, and it was difficult for the international community to understand or comprehend any kind of excuses for it. The victims of Ghouta were not armed, and the attack was not on the ground. It was unjustifiable by any means. The victims were unarmed civilians who were not possessing with heavy weapons, to justify their killing with weapons of mass destruction indiscriminately.
The only explanation for this attack is the indication that the Assad gang has no limits to its criminality, and it is indifferent to the international community, rather it is a threat to it, and that the regime is going to a kind of absolute criminality without calculation of future return to half-solutions, mediations or future reconciliations. The Ghouta chemical massacres and the other chemical mass massacres that followed have proven that the Assad gang has made its way down the path of absolute criminality without intention on returning.
The calls of some in the region for reconciliation between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime gang after the horrific crimes against the Syrians and after the killing of more than 1,429 unarmed civilians, including 426 children in the massacre of Ghouta and others, and a million martyrs and hundreds of thousands of detainees and forcibly disappeared and more than 12 million between internally displaced persons and refugees in Neighboring countries, and the destruction of Syria’s infrastructure, is like surrender, submission and humiliation.

Any reconciliation without bringing the perpetrators of crimes against humanity from the Syrian regime gang to justice is contrary to human nature, the process of life and humanity norms, the values ​​and foundations adopted by the international community, the United Nations system, and international human rights treaties and agreements.

A regime that practices the most heinous types of murder and crimes, and practices lies, hypocrisy and evasion with itself before everyone, and with its own people and the international community, and practices unlimited crime and terrorism against its defenseless people, and assassinates its loyalists after the end of their services to it, and does not refrain from planning assassinations of its opponents, and currently imprisoning hundreds of thousands Of his opponents and are killed daily, is considered a real evil criminal gang system, and not just a tyrannical political system or just a dictatorial regime.
The Assad regime does not have any credibility and does not abide by any covenant, and this is the mentality of bandits and not the mentality of normal regimes, and it cannot be entrusted to it. A regime that is manipulating and evading the entitlements of the international resolutions issued by the United Nations Security Council, specifically Resolution 2254, and is manipulating and evading the useless negotiations of the Constitutional Committee.
Taking the path of reconciliation is a clumsy and failed policy, and it will bring woes to the Syrian people, the homeland, the region and the world. It is a kind of Satan’s imaginations and the beginning of the end for those who want to follow it from the Syrian opposition. The wisdom and, it’s preferable, to continue the bumpy road and the torments of the struggle, because its end is guaranteed to lead to a definite success
The blood that Assad and his gang have shed must pay for it prior to any reconciliation. Otherwise everyone should be prepared to bear the consequences that will happen after that, which will not bring the Syrians back to the square of their patriotism, this square no one will be able to walk through without implementing transitional justice.

Launching the trumpets of reconciliation under flimsy excuses, including preserving the unity of Syria, or the fear of establishing a separatist Kurdish entity is unjustified, and does not justify alliance and normalization with a gang of terrorists who murdered children, which wants to continue usurping the occupation of Syria, bringing its people to their knees, and impeding its development on the grounds correct.

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